Friday, February 8, 2008


Dear Family and Friends:

The TOUCH board and myself want to thank each one of you for your support to TOUCH Ministries. We are grateful and appreciative to God for all of our donors, volunteers, and prayer partners. We pray for you and ask that you pray for us and for TOUCH Ministries.

Touch is strong in their forth year of serving the homeless in the
Inland Empire.
TOUCH has now distributed over 3,800 backpacks to homeless around the
Inland Empire. Without your generous donations to fill the backpacks and help with ministry costs, we wouldn't have this great opportunity to help the poor.

Proverbs 19:17 - If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord and He will repay you.

I feel honored that God used me to be the vessel to begin TOUCH but, the truth is if it weren't for you the donors, volunteers, and prayer partners, there wouldn't be this opportunity to bless the poor in the
Inland Empire. I thank God for you and your compassionate hearts to help the homeless in our community. Through TOUCH we can offer so much but most importantly because of you, TOUCH is able to offer hope to the homeless.

We at TOUCH are grateful that God is using us to serve His people and the community in this loving way.

Thank you again for your participation with TOUCH Ministries. Please call me anytime if you would like to help this ministry or know someone that could use our services.

Together we're reaching homeless for Jesus

May God richly bless you and your loved ones,

Connie Perlick
Founder/ President
TOUCH Ministries
(909) 921-3748


Our 3rd Annual Yard Sale is being planned for an upcoming date in June and we will be accepting your donations of items for this event in mid May. Actual dates still being determined. Time to clean those closets and garages. Please watch your e-mail and future newsletters for more details.


Our tenancy at the G.A.P. will end as of April 1st 2008 – Yes, it is April Fools Day but we are really moving, as the G.A.P. needs the space that we have been renting at their location. We have been contacted by the City of Rancho Cucamonga with an offer to apply for space in a building that has been empty for a while now. It used to be the Senior Recreation Center on Arrow Route but is being reestablished as a community outreach with a variety of different ministries and programs to serve the pubic and their needs. We are praying that we are granted the privilege to take advantage of this opportunity but at this point it is only a possibility for us and wouldn’t be ready until an unknown date in May 2008. Since our tenancy at the G.A.P. ends on April 1st we are facing an interim move and a brief halt to packing backpacks until we can relocate. It is our intention at the moment to move our office furniture and supplies into a public storage for approximately a month. The T.O.U.C.H Computer will be temporarily moved to the home of Connie Perlick so that we can keep the e-mail up and running and conduct business in a limited way until we have a place to move into.

Our plans are to move from our office to public storage on Saturday, March 15th.

We will need volunteers to help us make our interim move on March 15th and are looking for volunteers with trucks and a few hours to serve in helping us get everything into the storage.

We are praying of course that we can save our funds for serving the homeless and needy and won’t have to move into the public storage facility. We are desperately seeking out someone that may have approximately 250 square feet of space to temporarily store our furniture and supplies until we can relocate. If this is you or if you know of someone who may be able to help in this way it would be an answer to prayer.

Our prayers are also in finding a building or space with a minimum of 500 square feet for our new permanent location. It would be a miracle to find such a place before March 15th so that we would only have to move once and not have any down time in the ministry. Finding something permanent at anytime though– whether before or after we vacate our current location would be an answer to prayer. We don’t know what God has planned here and are watching and waiting to see how He will provide. What we do know is that He will provide in His special time, which is seldom early but never late. He will touch the heart of a special person or persons empowering and enabling as only He can. We believe that it is in His will to care for the homeless and needy and that as we pray things are going to happen that will knock our socks off. Please pray with us that His will be done and share in watching for the miracles that will follow.

Please call the T.O.U.C.H. cell phone number (909) 921-3748 or e-mail A.S.A.P. if you or someone you know would be able to assist in any of these areas.

Written by: ConnieLee Parra / T.O.U.C.H. Vice President


Our list of volunteers and supporters is long and our appreciation for each one of you is great – without the support we receive from all of you including your partnership with us in time and heartfelt prayers this ministry would not be able to survive. The Lord has anointed T.O.U.C.H. in awesome ways. In addition to the hundreds of backpacks that have been distributed to the homeless and needy T.O.U.C.H. has been successful in bringing intense awareness to the crisis of homelessness and engaged countless groups of men, women and children in hands on projects that have aided the impoverished amongst us.

The Lord has used us to involve children in schools in affluent areas to show compassion and give to children in schools where the lack of clothes and hunger are part of their every day life. Those who have helping those who have not! Isn’t that what it is all about? It is such a blessing to be able to be used in this way.

God continues to manifest himself in unbelievable ways in this ministry. We found out about a Head Start school in a poor area of Ontario that desired to serve a Thanksgiving dinner to their students and their families who may not have had one any other way and the Lord heard our prayers. As we called out to Him for the food, like manna from heaven in the same day we received a call from someone that knew nothing of the need in Ontario advising us that there were 50 turkeys we could have if we needed them. ConnieSue and ConnieLee picked them up and delivered them to the school and they had their Thanksgiving dinner. That’s God!!

Tents in 'Camp Hope' (tent city) were needed after a wild windstorm recently and after praying and putting out the request for help by e-mail the dollars came flooding in. T.O.U.C.H. was able to give $1,330.00 to Jane Mercer of ‘New Hope’ who is overseeing to the needs to aid them in purchasing new tents for those in need. That was God!! There are countless stories like these.

We’d need something as large as a telephone book to list all the many people and local business who have been vessels for the Lord and so instrumental in serving in this ministry and we’d still probably miss someone. So, as much as we’d like to put all the names down here we just wouldn’t be able to. You are appreciated, you have been used by the Lord and you know who you are but more importantly God knows who you are and your reward is in heaven. God bless all of you for your continued support and your giving hearts. Please call or e-mail us anytime to find out how you can serve and please keep praying with us that God will touch even more people in 2008 through T.O.U.C.H.

Blessings In Abundance From all of us on the TOUCH Board.

(Written by: Connie Parra)

Thursday, November 15, 2007



Greetings Friends:

Can you believe that we're at the end of another year? It won't be long before we're praising God for a blessed 2007 (Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice) and praying forth God's blessings on our loved ones for the year 2008.

I can't thank all of you enough for your compassionate hearts, prayers, and support in this past year. Without you, there would not be a ministry. God is using you in a mighty way by blessing those less fortunate. The TOUCH board and myself are extremely grateful for each and every one of you.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the TOUCH board members. I know God brought forth and formed the board that TOUCH has. I'm very grateful to Him. Each one of our board members dedicates many volunteer hours of their busy life to serve God by being a loyal servant for this ministry.

God says He blesses us to be a blessing to others. We know that we are so very blessed. We're blessed to be born in America; we're blessed to have shelter, clothes, food, and other needs. God said He will provide ALL of our needs. I've questioned this when thinking of the many that are homeless and without daily food, showers, clean clothes, shoes, toothbrush, deodorant, etc…
Are we the chosen ones that God is using to provide for the less fortunate?

2 Corinthians 9:6
Remember this - a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. You must each decide in your heart how much to give. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.

Psalms 41:1
Oh, the joys of those who are kind to the poor

Proverbs 28:27
Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing,
but those who close their eyes to poverty will be cursed.

I believe with all my heart that as blessed believers in Christ, it is our responsibility to help those that are in need.

Galatians 6:9-10
So let's not get tied of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone.

TOUCH needs you and the homeless need you. How can you help?

First and foremost, by praying for this ministry. We've handed out over 3,000 backpacks in the past 4 years and will continue to serve those in need as long as God desires and continues to open doors and bless TOUCH. Your prayers are greatly needed.
Next, we need volunteers. We fill the backpacks the first Saturday of every month (unless the first Saturday lands on a holiday weekend). We sort the items that come in all month from 9:00 to 11:00 and then after praying for the backpacks, recipients, and volunteers, we fill the backpacks. This allows us as believers to give up time to do God's work. God is the maker of time. It all belongs to God but isn't it a blessing that He allows us to make the choice on how to spend it?

Another way to help is by donating the items that we use to fill the backpacks. We run short of Bibles, toothbrushes, and the many items that go into the making of the backpacks every month. You may have some of the amenities we use from your last business trip or vacation? We always need those little shampoos and soaps.

Lastly, we always welcome monetary donations. Like any business, we have overhead costs. We pay rent for our office located at the front of the GAP (God Always Provides) warehouse. Being a non-profit licensed business, we have many expenses. TOUCH has had an accountant that takes care of all the managing of monies since our first day of operation. Her name is Cindy Terpstra and she's a huge blessing to TOUCH. Of course, there's the landline for our computer, the TOUCH phone to receive calls from those in need, and the list goes on.

Please let us know if you're interested in serving God in any of the above ways. We're open to suggestions if you can add to this list of ways to help TOUCH Ministries.

I hope you enjoy reading the new and improved newsletter designed from one of our board members Connie Parra. Connie, the Vice President of TOUCH Ministries and a gifted writer has offered to publish a newsletter at least once every other month. Thank you Connie. This way we can stay in TOUCH with all of you and let you know of all the up and coming projects that TOUCH is doing in our community. If you have any ideas for future newsletters, or have a friend you'd like added to our TOUCH e-mail list, please write to Connie Parra at

May God continue to bless you and your loved ones during this thankful holiday season and may your year of "new beginnings" in 2008 be more blessed than you could even imagine.

Connie Perlick
President/ Founder
TOUCH Ministries
(909) 921-3748


At T.O.U.C.H. Ministries all year long, and especially as we approach the holiday season, the Lord brings the homeless and needy people from within our surrounding community to us. We have been blessed to be able to be vessels for Him in giving these hurting, hungry, and lonely people a little hope in a world that can be so cruel to those who find themselves down and out.

God sends some of us out into the streets to give a backpack full of toiletries, food, clothes, and a Bible to someone in need. Some He prompts to give monthly checks that help us provide these items, while others are feeling led to donate what is needed for the backpacks each month, and still others help by organizing and sorting the items in preparation for filling the backpacks. Everyone who gives in any of these ways is so vitally important to this ministry and to those who are blessed and TOUCHED by this form of love – God’s love. Piece by piece we all have a part, working together as the Lord creates unity and love within the community of believers and bridges the gap between those who have and those who have not. This is what T.O.U.C.H. is all about. God loves us all and He loves how we are hearing His voice and following in His footsteps. We are His arms reaching, His hands healing, His words teaching, and His vessels of love and light in the darkness of homelessness. Are you hearing His voice calling you?

In an effort to bring awareness to the homeless crises in and around us, T.O.U.C.H. has been working on a video that will capture the many ways that financial support, donations, and volunteers who serve through this ministry are being greatly used by the Lord to reach out to ‘the least of these’. We pray that He will use this video as His tool to grow the ministry as we strive to help others in His name.

Last Saturday, November 3, we had our monthly Packed With Love (PWL) backpack-packing event. Thirteen of our partners came to help. From 9:00am-11:00am we organized and sorted all the donations into bins. Then from 11:00am to noon, a circle of prayer was formed and we asked the Lord for His divine intervention in seeing that just the right person would receive each backpack and that it would have just what the recipient needed the most. We packed 40 backpacks, twenty specifically for women and twenty specifically for men. All 40 backpacks were then distributed to several cars and a small group of us took them to the homeless encampment “Tent City” in Ontario, where approximately 300 homeless reside.

We did some filming of our video in Tent City, interviewing over 30 people living there. Those who allowed us to film them received a backpack for their willingness to participate in this project. We asked them each two questions. The first question was: How long have you been homeless? The responses ranged from 2 weeks to 30 years. The second question was: Other than housing, what is your greatest need? The majority responded by saying their greatest need was for medical attention. We are excited in our anticipation of how God will stir in people’s hearts as they view this video, and we look forward to seeing many more people signing up to serve with us in this way. Many have asked what the residents of Tent City need most, and what items are needed to successfully pack our backpacks each month:

For the T.O.U.C.H. backpacks our greatest need each month other than the monetary donations is for toothpaste and toothbrushes, deodorant, and Bibles. Also needed are blankets, warm beanies and socks, sweatshirts, jackets and tarps.

For Tent City residents the most useful items that they need and want so desperately are tarps with grommets (holes) to place over their tents and large battery-operated lights. If we can collect a lamp and tarp for each person, their prayers would be answered.

If you have a heart for helping the less fortunate and would like to know more about how you can be involved in this ministry either by making a donation or volunteering 3 hours once a month, please call the T.O.U.C.H. office at (909) 921-3748 or send an email. We are praying that you will be prompted by the Lord to make that call before you finish reading this. You will be an answer to prayer, and we are waiting for the blessing of hearing from you.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


With over half the board of TOUCH being missionaries we would like to recap the latest mission trip to Kenya that Vickie Maynard and Connie Parra from the board along with past board member Percell Maynard and Sharon Baker all of whom are members at Community Baptist Church in Alta Loma took part in. Arriving in Kenya after 42 plus hours of travel was exciting and we were full of anticipation in how God would use us on this trip. He was adding to our agenda by the minute. As we traveled from Nairobi’s airport to Eldoret and arrived at the farm of Mr. Limo, our host while there. We were met with a very wonderful and warm welcome that lasted for hours. Over 25 people were there to greet us Kenyan style in a whole ceremony planned for our benefit. It was quite amazing, and quite late when we were finally able to lie down and get some sleep.

The next day and everyday after that we were on the go with one project after another as the Lord directed our steps. We helped prepare for and then witnessed the graduation of 14 men from the KAA (Kenya Anti-Alcohol) program that Percell and Vickie help fund through C.O.D.E. These men are now alcohol free and on fire for God. Their testimonies were emotional and inspiring as their families surrounded them in love and forgiveness. One fellow dropped to his knees asking for his father’s forgiveness of which he was granted as they embraced for all to see. Tears flowed from everyone present. It was a beautiful and blessed event to be able to witness.

We also spoke to several groups of women. One group was comprised of widows (due to the HIV/AIDS virus) who are ostracized and shunned by society in Kenya. They are struggling to raise their children and trying to deal with the loss of their husbands without much support from anyone. A pastor there had a vision on how they might work together to earn money to support their families and asked for our help in explaining it to them. We were able to work with them in groups and show them just how they would be able to accomplish this new way of life by uniting together and helping each other. In addition we went into town and purchased some of the things they needed to launch their different projects and to aid them in getting started in their new business ventures designed to turn their lives around and make them viable members of the community. They are now working together and have hope for their future and the future of their children.

The Lord’s blessings abounded as He led us to three schools. At each one we were able to give a large box of supplies including much needed books, games, sporting equipment and other toys and candy. The children and staff were blessed to have these things and more importantly to feel the love of Jesus that they were shown as we shared time and played games with them. At one school we conducted eye tests, took their pictures and recorded every child’s name and eye test results. These children are orphans, also due to the HIV/AIDS virus and some of them also have this dreaded disease. The information we collected will be used to help get them support, medical help, school uniforms and shoes.

On top of all that the Lord accomplished through us each day, we were blessed to be able to take part in a bible study every night in the home of Mr. Limo that included singing and prayer with many others also living and working there. The whole experience was one of perfect harmony with God who was with us every step of the way, protecting us and using us as we gave of ourselves completely to Him. Your prayers were felt every day and we thank you all from deep in our hearts.

Blessings, Connie Parra
TOUCH Ministries/Vice President